Adobe Commerce: Choosing it as an eCommerce platform

Roiman Ramos

Adobe Commerce is a flexible and scalable e-commerce platform that allows you to create personalized B2B and B2C experiences, no matter how many brands you have. Formerly known as Magento, Adobe Commerce was acquired by Adobe in 2018 and has integrated with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions to provide a complete and powerful solution for digital commerce.

What is your origin or history in the market?

Adobe Commerce has its origins in Magento, an open source platform launched in 2008 by Varien Inc., a company founded by Roy Rubin and Yoav Kutner. Magento quickly became one of the most popular and used ecommerce platforms in the world, thanks to its flexibility, scalability and developer community.

In 2011, Magento was acquired by eBay, which integrated it with its e-commerce platform and provided it with resources and support. However, in 2015, eBay sold Magento to a private investor consortium led by Permira Funds, which turned it into an independent company.

In 2018, Adobe announced the purchase of Magento for $1.68 billion, with the goal of integrating it with its suite of solutions for customer experience management. This is how Adobe Commerce was born, which retains the features and functionality of Magento, but adds Adobe's artificial intelligence, analysis, personalization and content capabilities.

What are the benefits of businesses implementing Adobe Commerce as an e-commerce platform?

Some of the benefits that companies can get from implementing Adobe Commerce as an e-commerce platform are:

  • Personalization: Adobe Commerce allows you to create unique and relevant experiences for each customer, segment or channel, using Adobe Sensei's artificial intelligence to provide product recommendations, personalized searches and promotions in real time.
  • Multichannel: Adobe Commerce allows you to manage multiple brands, websites, catalogs, currencies and languages from a single interface, as well as integrate with marketplaces, social networks and other sales channels.
  • Innovation: Adobe Commerce offers a flexible and modular architecture, based on an API-first and a headless solution, that allows developers to create custom applications and extend native capabilities with modern tools and a serverless environment.
  • Performance: Adobe Commerce guarantees high speed, reliability and security in e-commerce experiences, thanks to its cloud infrastructure, its services managed by Adobe experts, its automatic scaling during peak events and its compliance with security standards.
  • Integration: Adobe Commerce easily integrates with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions, such as Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Adobe Experience Manager, to get a complete view of the customer and the business, personalize touchpoints, and deliver high-impact content.

Comparison between Adobe Commerce with Vtex and Shopify

To compare Adobe Commerce with Vtex and Shopify, we're going to look at some key aspects such as the type of platform, license cost, hosting and maintenance options, ecommerce functionalities, and B2B capabilities.

Tabla comparativa de plataformas de ecommerce

As can be seen, Adobe Commerce or Magento 2 stand out for their flexibility, scalability and innovation, as well as their integrated B2B capabilities. Vtex also offers a robust and customizable solution, with a focus on collaborative commerce. Shopify is a simpler and cheaper option, but with fewer features and customization possibilities.

Possibilities and benefits of integrating Adobe Commerce with ERP systems

An ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a software that allows you to manage a company's resources and processes, such as accounting, invoicing, inventory, logistics, etc. Integrating Adobe Commerce with an ERP system can bring several benefits for e-commerce, such as:

Automation: By integrating Adobe Commerce with an ERP system, information flows between both systems can be automated, avoiding human errors, duplication or inconsistencies in data.

Efficiency: By integrating Adobe Commerce with an ERP system, inventory management, sourcing, shipping and invoicing of orders can be optimized, reducing operating times and costs.

Scalability: By integrating Adobe Commerce with an ERP system, you can facilitate business growth by being able to adapt to market demands and customer needs.

To integrate Adobe Commerce with an ERP system, there are several options available, such as:

  • Use an extension: Adobe Commerce has thousands of extensions that allow the platform to be connected to different ERP systems, such as SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, etc. These extensions usually offer a pre-configured and easy-to-implement integration.
  • Use an API: Adobe Commerce offers an API (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to communicate with other systems by exchanging data in JSON or XML format. This option requires more development and investment, but allows for greater customization and flexibility.
  • Using middleware: A middleware is an intermediary software that acts as a bridge between Adobe Commerce and the ERP system. This software usually offers a graphical interface that makes it easy to configure and monitor the integration.

Adapt to customer needs

One of the main advantages of Adobe Commerce is its ability to adapt to customer needs by using and creating plugins. A plugin is a software component that is added to the platform to extend or modify its functionalities.

Some of the benefits of using or creating plugins for Adobe Commerce are:

  • Personalization: Plugins allow you to customize the platform according to the customer's preferences and requirements, adding new features or modifying existing ones.
  • Differentiation: Plugins make it possible to differentiate yourself from the competition by offering unique and exclusive experiences to users and customers.
  • Innovation: Plugins allow innovation in e-commerce by incorporating new technologies or trends into the business.
  • Compatibility: Plugins allow you to maintain compatibility with the platform by following its quality and security standards.

To use or create plugins for Adobe Commerce, you can follow the following steps:

  • Identify the need: The first thing is to identify what functionality you want to add or modify on the platform, analyzing business needs, customer expectations and market opportunities. The purpose, scope and requirements of the plugin must be clearly defined.
  • Search for a solution: The next thing is to find out if there is a plugin that already offers the desired functionality, either on the official Magento market or on other trusted sites. If you can't find a plugin that meets the requirements, you can choose to create your own or hire a specialized team.
  • Install or develop the plugin: Once you have the plugin, either purchased or created, it must be installed on the platform following the instructions of the vendor or developer. If it's your own plugin, you should follow the Magento development guide to create a basic structure, declare the plugin, define preferences and events, and program the plugin logic.

Test and optimize the plugin: Finally, you must test the operation of the plugin and verify that it does not cause any conflicts or errors with the platform or with other plugins. If any problems are detected, the plugin code should be corrected and optimized until it works properly.

Is Adobe Commerce the right choice for your ecommerce business?

Adobe Commerce is a powerful and versatile ecommerce platform that offers a complete and customizable solution for creating unique and memorable digital commerce experiences. However, not all platforms are suitable for all businesses, so it's important to evaluate some aspects before choosing Adobe Commerce as your ecommerce platform. Some of these aspects are:
The size and type of your business: Adobe Commerce is designed for medium and large businesses looking for a robust and scalable platform that allows them to manage multiple brands, websites, catalogs, currencies and languages, as well as offering personalized B2B and B2C experiences. If your business is smaller or simpler, you might want a cheaper and easier to use platform, such as Shopify.

The budget and available resources: Adobe Commerce has a variable license cost depending on the annual GMV, which can be high for some businesses. In addition, it requires a team of developers or a specialized agency to implement, customize and maintain the platform. On the other hand, Magento 2 has a free and open source version, called Magento Open Source, which has no license cost, but requires its own hosting and greater development and investment.

The vision and objectives of your business:

Adobe Commerce is a platform that allows you to innovate and differentiate yourself in e-commerce, by integrating with other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions (in the case of Adobe Commerce) or with thousands of available extensions (in the case of Magento 2), and offering you Adobe's artificial intelligence, analysis, personalization and content capabilities. If you have a long-term vision and ambitious goals for your business, you might want a platform that offers you these competitive advantages, such as Adobe Commerce or Magento 2.

In conclusion, Adobe Commerce or Magento 2 are excellent options for your e-commerce business if you are looking for a flexible, scalable and innovative platform that allows you to create personalized B2B and B2C experiences, manage multiple brands and channels, and integrate with other solutions or extensions. However, you should consider the size and type of your business, the budget and available resources, and the vision and objectives of your business, before making the final decision.

If you want to improve your E-commerce, contact us or get to know our service.

By Roiman Ramos, Magento Tech Lead by Balloon Group

Roiman Ramos

Adobe Commerce: What's new and improved for E-Commerce in 2024

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