LinkedIn Marketing: Connect with Your Audience

Fernando Chavez

How does the business social network, which already brings together 433 million people, work?

This social network, founded in 2002, with a total of 433 million people, already contains the largest global community of business professionals. Its objective is to connect people, brands and opportunities, through relevant and quality content, seeking to be more productive and achieve success in the market. Thanks to the presence of marketing on LinkedIn, we can get closer to the goal.

LinkedIn, un aliado del Marketing. Balloon Group - Deepcommerce Solutions

Step by Step

To begin with, you must have an adequate and up-to-date profile, whether personal (natural person) or business. You must have a matching photo, name and description with keywords that indicate what the user is about. The description can include: the industry, the job position, the geographical location, the work experience, the education, what groups you belong to, what companies you follow and much more. It's up to each user to give it a distinctive touch.

Secondly, we need to know what our objective is and, based on this, formulate a strategy aimed at the target audience. Why do we use LinkedIn? For example, an advertising account allows you to create and manage campaigns, segment based on interests, and see the results of visitors, unique visitors, impressions, and more. It also allows you to download it to your own computer and analyze the results. Paid advertising includes content in the feed, messages in the social network's mailbox, and various image, text and dynamic ad formats.

LinkedIn has its own algorithm, which classifies and evaluates content. Once this is done, it reflects it to the right audience based on followers and connections taking into account interests and the likelihood of interaction. Thus giving great importance to Engagement.

LinkedIn, plaforma para Marketing - Balloon Group Deepcommerce Solutions

Keywords, formats and more...

For greater success, posts should include keywords, work on hashtags, and take advantage of content suggestions from your relevant audience. It is precisely the Keywords that will help us appear in the results when the user uses the search engine; therefore, we must take into account both the specific keywords of our content and the generic ones.

Another point to keep in mind is that publications can vary in format, these can be: images, videos, GIFs, LinkedIn Lives, etc. They can be programmed and planned, saving time and maximizing performance. There is also the possibility of having sponsored content and traditional advertisements, we must not stop taking advantage of all these tools offered by LinkedIn and thus cover all aspects.

How to speak to our target audience through LinkedIn Ads?

It's ideal to learn about this social network and all its available marketing tools, such as LinkedIn Ads, to be able to interact with users and create an ideal work network.


First, we must define our objective and select the relevant KPIs for our business. Once this is done, we will be able to obtain and measure results, and see current trends. We must know that the objective can be to make ourselves visible, to interact with the public or to have quality contacts.

LinkedIn Ads - Balloon Group Deep Commerce Solutions


Second, we are going to analyze and select the target audience we want to reach. It's important to know that LinkedIn allows us to segment according to different criteria: by demographic data, by interests, by type of person such as opinion leaders or job seekers and by your own public information.


Sponsor Content

Third, we must choose what content we want to make available to our audience. On the one hand, we have the Sponsor Content: this can be an advertisement with an image, on video and in a carousel. In order to use it, we must create a LinkedIn page or Request access if the company already has one. The next step is to promote the content where we can create our first campaign, complete forms for generating leads and perform single-image advertising campaigns. Once this process has been carried out, we will be able to observe the results and optimize the campaigns through detailed reports.

Sponsored Inmail

Another type of content we have is the Sponsored Inmail. These are direct message ads to potential customers with a single CTA (call to action). We can measure the results and adjust the contents to obtain the desired performance. To do this, we will choose the objective of the campaign, write the message based on the selected objective, measure and optimize results.

Display Ads

The following content allows us to segment and see results with our own content, the Display Ads. As well as taking advantage of our material using standard IAB image ad formats. All this allows us to capture the target audience at an early stage.

LinkedIn Ads - Balloon Group

Dynamic Ads

Los Dynamic Ads are advertisements that are adapted to the activity of the target audience. They are those who seek to reach with precision through creative, customizable and relevant material and thus increase followers, contacts and visibility.

Text Ads

Finally, let's talk about the Text Ads. These appear in the right column, as do the Dynamic Ads and are available in four different formats: square, elongated, horizontal and horizontal. The cost they have comes from impressions and clicks. It generates quality leads and like other campaigns, it can be segmented.

To close with this topic, we must conclude that LinkedIn Ads provides us with many tools to be able to reach our users, we must be informed, take advantage of them and use them. We have a lot of information left to see, but with this first overview we can start using paid advertising and its various formats.

If you want to know more about our Marketing services, let's leave you our link.

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